Join Us
There are 3 different ways of being involved in the sodality, we can help you discern which one is right for you.
Contact us to talk further about how you might be involved in the Sodality of Mary.
Full members of the Sodality commit themselves to live in accordance with the Manual, and in love and prayer for one another.
Membership lasts for one year from admission.
After 5 years members may make a life commitment.
Membership fees are £60 per year.
Aspirancy is suitable for those who are ordinands or deacons prior to their ordination to the priesthood, or for priests exploring to join the Sodality.
A minimum of one year Aspirancy is required before membership for the individual to discern if this sodality is right for them. Regular involvment is expected, including meeting (in person or online) with existing members to discover more about the impact of the sodality in their day to day life.
Associates walk alongside the Sodality, sharing in the commitment to pray and offering their skills and wisdom when appropriate.
An Associate may be an Anglican priest who does not wish to, or is unable to make the commitment of a member, a monastic, or a priest from another Christian denomination.